Function Name Description Implemented by
iterableToList Turns the given Iterable into a List. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.IterableToListMethod
getMigrationEffortPointsForFile Takes a FileModel as a parameter and returns an int containing the effort estimate for this file. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetEffortForFile
isFileADirectory Takes a FileModel and returns a boolean of whether it is a Directory org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.generation.techreport.IsFileADirectoryMethod
generateGUID Generates a unique identifier as a String. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GenerateGUIDMethod
projectModelToSha1 Takes a parameter of type ProjectModel and returns the associated ApplicationReportIndexModel.
isRulePhase Returns true if the passed in object is an instance of RulePhase. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.IsRulePhaseMethod
getProjectTraversal Gets a ProjectModelTraversal for the given ProjectModel. An optional parameter specifies the traversal strategy ('only_once', 'all' or 'shared'). org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetProjectTraversalMethod
getEffortCountForProjectByIssueCategory Parameters are (GraphRewrite, ProjectModelTraversal, [recursive]) and returns Map where the key is the Severity and the value is the number of incidents of that severity. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetEffortCountForProjectByIssueCategoryMethod
getWindupBrandName Returns the name to use in place of the project name. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetWindupBrandNameMethod
sortApplicationsList Sorts the given list of ApplicationReportModel's by it's root filename or, for VIRTUAL apps, by the name. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.SortApplicationsListMethod
getPrettyPathForFile Takes a FileModel as a parameter and either the qualified name (if it is a Java file) or the path within the file's project.
getArchiveSHA1ToPathMapper Gets an instance of a mapper for converting from the SHA1 hash of an archive to a List of file paths. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetArchiveSHA1ToPathsMapperMethod
sha1Hex Returns the SHA1 Hex hash for the provided FileModel. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.Sha1HexMethod
getRuleExecutionResults Takes a parameter of type AbstractRuleProvider and returns a List containing metadata related to the current Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit execution. org.jboss.windup.reporting.ruleexecution.GetRuleExecutionResults
sortProjectTraversalsByPathAscending Takes an Iterable and returns them, ordered alphabetically. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.SortProjectTraversalsByPathMethod
fileModelToSourceReport Takes a FileModel as a parameter, and returns the related SourceReportModel (or null if none is available). org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.FileModelToSourceReportModelMethod
sortDependencyGroupArchivesByPathAscending Takes an Iterable and returns them, ordered alphabetically.
getPrettyPathForFileWithExtensions Takes a FileModel as a parameter and either the qualified name (if it is a Java file) or the path within the file's project.
getTagsFromFileClassificationsAndHints Takes a FileModel as a parameter and returns an Set containing the tags from the classifications associated with the provided this file. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetTagsFromFileClassificationsAndHints
getLogaritmicDistribution Returns a logarithmic distribution usable for visualising ranges that tend to be wide-scale with exponential distribution. org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.generation.techreport.GetLogarithmicDistribution
iterableHasContent Takes an Iterable as a parameter and checks to see whether items exist in the Iterable.
getAllFreeMarkerMethods This method takes no parameters, and returns a List of hashes containing a 'name', 'description', and 'class' field. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetAllFreeMarkerMethodsMethod
getAllRuleProviders Takes no parameters and returns a List containing all loaded Rule Providers. org.jboss.windup.reporting.ruleexecution.GetAllRuleProviders
sortFilesByPathAscending Takes an Iterable or Iterable and returns them, ordered alphabetically. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.SortFilesByPathMethod
findSourceFilesByClassName Finds all JavaSourceFileModels for the given fully qualified class name
getAllFreeMarkerDirectives This method takes no parameters, and returns a List of hashes containing a 'name', 'class', and 'description' field. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetAllFreeMarkerDirectivesMethod
projectModelToApplicationIndex Takes a parameter of type ProjectModel and returns the associated ApplicationReportIndexModel. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.ProjectModelToApplicationIndexMethod
getProblemSummaries Returns a summary of all classification and hints found during analysis in the form of a List. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.problemsummary.GetProblemSummariesMethod
getEffortDetailsForProjectTraversal Takes a ProjectModel as a parameter and returns Map where the key is the effort level and the value is the number of incidents at that particular level of effort. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetEffortDetailsForProjectTraversalMethod
effortPointsToCssClass Converts from effort points to a CSS class org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.EffortPointsToCssClass
getEffortDescriptionForPoints Given a number of points, return a short textual description (eg, Trivial or Complex). org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetEffortDescriptionForPoints
formatRule Takes a Rule as a paremeter and formats it into multiple rows for display. org.jboss.windup.reporting.ruleexecution.FormatRule
getClassificationForFile Takes a FileModel as a parameter and returns an Iterable containing the classification for this file. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetClassificationForFile
isTagUnderTag org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.generation.techreport.IsTagUnderTagMethod
findFilesNotClassifiedOrHinted Takes an Iterable as a parameter and returns the files that have neither ClassificationModels nor InlineHintModels associated with them.
sortDependencyArchivesByPathAscending Takes an Iterable and returns them, ordered alphabetically.
getTagModelByName Returns the TagModel of the given name, or null if it doesn't exist. org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.generation.techreport.GetTagModelByNameMethod
markdownToHtml Converts from an input string in Markdown format to an output string in HTML format org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.MarkdownToHtmlMethod
mapToJson Returns a JSON object representing the given map, having the keys as property names and values as property values. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.MapToJsonMethod
groupHints Takes an Iterable of Hints and returns map that groups hint messages to number of occurences
isReportableFile Takes a FileModel and a set of tags to include and exclude as parameters, and whether or not this file should appear in overview reports org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.IsReportableFile
sortTechUsageStats Sorts out the TechnologyUsageStatisticsModel-s into columns/boxes and rows defined by techReport-hierarchy.xml as per the tags and labels in the operations. org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.generation.techreport.SortTechUsageStatsMethod
getNumberOfLibraries Takes a ProjectModel as a parameter and returns a count of the number of libraries contained within org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.generation.techreport.GetNumberOfLibrariesMethod
getTechnologyTagsForProjectTraversal Takes a ProjectModel as a parameter and returns an Iterable containing the technology tags for this project (and all subprojects). org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetTechnologyTagsForProject
projectModelToOrganizations Takes a parameter of type ProjectModel and returns the associated OrganizationModels. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.ProjectModelToOrganizationsMethod
sortProjectsByPathAscending Takes an Iterable and returns them, ordered alphabetically. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.SortProjectsByPathMethod
getTechReportPunchCardStats Takes a ProjectModel as a parameter and returns Map where the key is the effort level and the value is the number of incidents at that particular level of effort. org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.generation.techreport.GetTechReportPunchCardStatsMethod
getTechnologyTagsForFile Takes a FileModel as a parameter and returns an Iterable containing the technology tags for this file. org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetTechnologyTagsForFile
Directive Name Directive Class Description
render_link Takes the following parameters: FileModel (a FileModel) (Implemented by:
render_pie Renders a pie chart. Takes the following parameters: project (a ProjectModel), recursive (Boolean), and elementid (HTML ID of the element in which to render). (Implemented by:
write_to_disk org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.WriteToDiskDirective Writes the contents of the directive to disk (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.WriteToDiskDirective)
render_rule_link org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.RenderRuleLinkDirective Renders a link to the Rule with the specified ID in the Rule Provider report. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.RenderRuleLinkDirective)
FreeMarker version used: 2.3.26-incubating